
Place of business

Solarraum GmbH
Parkstraße 48
39100, Bozen

Tel: 0471707064

VAT ID: 02649860216
Corporate capital: € 10,00

Responsible for the content: Solarraum GmbH


Our website contains a certain number of links to other sites on the World Wide Web for whose contents Solarraum GmbH does not accept any responsibility whatsoever.

Unless otherwise indicated for the purpose of protecting the entitlements of third parties, upon which the rights of authorship enter into force, the documentation, images, brand names and anything else published and reproduced on this web site are the exclusive property of Solarraum GmbH.

It is prohibited to copy, modify, sell, rent, loan, transmit and diffuse the content of this site or parts thereof without the written permission of Solarraum GmbH

Privacy Policy

Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 (“Code relating to the protection of personal data”), we would like to inform all users that the data they provide when making inquiries may be used for processing, advertising, and/or other activities of us or our partners.

The data are processed in written form and/or on magnetic media, electronic media and in compliance with all security measures guaranteeing their security and confidentiality. Solarraum GmbH is the responsible for data processing. Affected parties can check, correct, supplement, or delete their data at any time by writing to Solarraum GmbH, 39100, Bozen, Parkstraße 48.


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